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Improve Social Skills for Teenagers

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Social Skills / Teenager Worksheets

Social Skills Worksheets

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Editing Verbal Narratives

This resource works on the ability to make good choices when telling a story: what information is needed, what information is irrelevant to the story, what information might my listener find interesting.

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Social Skills Worksheet Improve Social Skills for Teenagers by Speech Language Pathologist Lisa Flowers

Social Skills: Editing Verbal Narratives

So many of my students on the autism spectrum have trouble editing themselves when they're telling me about a vacation they went on or their favorite video game, as examples, often providing too many details because they're not keeping their listener in mind.

I have found that these printable worksheets work directly and effectively on this issue. Students are provided with a written example of a verbal narrative, and must delete details in order to best serve a given listener and context. We then discuss all the choices made, such as how one portion could be interesting to a listener and therefore kept in while another portion is redundant or too detailed and should be omitted. Also included is a reproducible form with a blank narrative portion.

Get Social Skills

A collection of 28 social skills worksheets and activities that cover conversation skills, kinesics, perspective taking, development of empathy, and real-world communication.

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Get 52 Lessons & Activities

A collection of 52 language and communication worksheets and activities that cover a plethora of reading comprehension, writing, grammar, and social communication skills.

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Get these social skills worksheets and more to help teach children with autism.