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Social Skills / Kinesics - Interest vs. Disinterest

Kinesics - Interest vs. Disinterest

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Kinesics: Interest vs. Disinterest

So many of my students don't pick up on the non-verbal clues of disinterest, especially when talking about their specific passions. This activity can be used in a variety of ways to help students gage others' interest levels by interpreting non-verbal signs.

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Social Skills Worksheet Kinesics - Interest vs. Disinterest by Speech Language Pathologist Lisa Flowers

Kinesics - Interest vs. Disinterest

A great resource for teaching the ability to accurately perceive and understand nonverbal social cues, this activity is particularly effective at helping learners apply this skill to conversations.

Many individuals on the autism spectrum find it difficult to assess another person's interest in them. This often results in approaching someone at an inappropriate time or overstaying their conversational welcome. As such, observation skills are essential for perceiving acceptance. Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder do not naturally understand (or observe) the actions, body language, facial expressions, or tone of voice of others as often or as effectively as neurotypical individuals do. This activity provides students with real-life scenarios in which to practice observing signs of interest and/or disinterest from others, which helps them resolve whether or not to engage or continue in conversation.

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