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Subject-Verb Agreement

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Grammar / Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-Verb Agreement

This resource includes discussion and worksheets on subject-verb agreement, including how to attain agreement for more difficult constructions: verbs that precede subjects and collective nouns.

Grammar Worksheet Subject-Verb Agreement by Speech Language Pathologist Lisa Flowers

Subject-Verb Agreement

In order to write complicated, grammatically correct essays or to pass the grammar section of the ACT or SAT, students must master subject-verb agreement.

All students, language impaired or not, struggle with subject-verb agreement to varying degrees. To utilize proper syntax, students must pair subjects with their corresponding verbs through the lens of singularity or plurality. They must therefore be able to identify subjects and their matching verbs, a skill focused on in the Adverbial Phrases, Preposition Phrases, and Subjects, Verbs, and Objects worksheets. Similarly, they must be able to identify subjects as either singular or plural. The first Subject-Verb Agreement worksheet focuses specifically on these skills, while the remaining worksheets therein cover two instances of greater difficulty in this context: collective nouns and verbs preceding their subjects. As always, answer keys are included.

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