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Passive and Active Voice Worksheets for Middle and High School

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English Grammar Passive and Active Voice Worksheets

Passive and Active Voice

So many of my high school students haven't heard of “passive and active voice”, much less learned about them. This straightforward worksheet teaches students how to identify these two voices, and how to change passive voice sentences into active voice, thereby strengthening their writing.

Grammar Worksheet Passive and Active Voice Grammar worksheet by Speech Language Pathologist Lisa Flowers

Passive and Active Voice Worksheets

This printable language worksheet endeavors to improve students' understanding of passive and active voice so as to strengthen expression of their ideas.

Many high school students have not been taught about passive or active voice, as many language arts classes at previous levels fail to address the topic when doing grammar units. Utilizing active voice is vital to strong and effective writing to the point that Microsoft Word's grammar-check function underlines sentences written with a passive voice— and students often don't understand why their sentences are being marked as grammatically problematic! This worksheet (alongside the included answer key) explains the differences between passive and active voice before providing two brief assignments involving identification and use of active voice in sentences.

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Get these English grammar worksheets and more to help teach children with regular and special education students.