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Post Conversation Questionnaire

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Social Skills/Post Conversation Questionnaire

Post Conversation Questionnaire

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Post Conversation Questionnaire

This is a useful tool to use when you want your students to generalize the conversation skills you've taught them into their everyday conversations.

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Social Skills Worksheet Post Conversation Questionnaire by Speech Language Pathologist Lisa Flowers

Post Conversation Questionnaire

Accurate perspective-taking and an authentic curiosity are two of the most vital tenets of good conversationalists; as such, this questionnaire focuses on these characteristics.

As all speech-language pathologists know, the goal of improving students' conversation skills often causes conversations in therapy sessions to be “naturalistic” rather than natural. You might target specific elements of conversational literacy, such as balancing comments and questions, interpreting nonverbal cues, or taking turns, and these principles are not always going to arise organically in the span of a single conversation. Generalizing conversational skills to life outside of the therapist's office is so important. Toward this end, students fill out this questionnaire, which addresses analyzing nonverbal communication, demonstrating curiosity toward your conversational partner, and identifying impressions made in both directions. For some (if not many) students, checking out the questions prior to a conversation can help them look out for specific elements when engaged in conversations.

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