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Social Skills - Social Skills - Understanding Others Reference Sheet

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Social Skills / Understanding Others Reference Sheet

Social Skills - Understanding Others Reference Sheet

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Understanding Others Reference Sheet

This reference sheet that helps students understand the common thoughts and feelings of others is an extremely effective support when engaged in perspective taking tasks!

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Social Skills Worksheet Understanding Others Reference Sheet Social Skills Worksheets by Speech Language Pathologist Lisa Flowers

Social Skills - Understanding Others Reference Sheet

Other academic subjects (such as Earth Science or Geometry) provide students with reference sheets; this reference sheet helps bridge the gap with social skills: it outlines common negative and positive aspects of social interaction and includes three perspective-taking exercises, though it can be employed for a wide array of perspective-taking tasks.

Neurotypical individuals often instinctively know certain information in an interaction that neurodivergent individuals (such as those on the autism spectrum) typically do not. As a result, it would be helpful to provide some of this knowledge and information prior to students attempting to identify and/or predict the perceptions of others. This reference sheet outlines common feelings and perceptions involved in social interaction, thoroughly aiding in fostering growth of perspective-taking skills. It includes three specific social scenarios with which the reference sheet pairs well, but the sheet is a helpful resource whenever students are tasked with perspective-taking.

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