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A Conversation Turn Taking Activity in PDF

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Social Skills / Conversation Turn Taking Activities

Conversational Skills Activity: Elaboration

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Conversational Skills: Elaboration

This handout makes clear how elaborated answers to a simple question (“How was your sister's wedding?”) extend conversations. Teachers and SLPs can break down the provided answers to demonstrate how story details give communicative partners more to talk about.

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Social Skills Worksheet Conversational Skills Activity: Elaboration by Speech Language Pathologist Lisa Flowers

Conversational Skills: Elaboration

For learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder (or anyone looking to strengthen conversation skills, for that matter), this handout covers the importance of elaboration when answering questions and how elaborate responses help maintain the flow of a conversation.

This printable handout offers examples of a wide array of responses to the same question, guiding students toward a conversational practice activity. For individuals on the autism spectrum, the scripted responses directly illustrate how elaborate responses organically extend conversations. The activity begins with a written conversation about elaboration and relevant social dynamics.

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