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The Linguistic Flexibility Worksheet in PDF

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Writing Worksheets / Linguistic Flexibility Worksheet in PDF

Writing Skills: Linguistic Flexibility

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Writing Skills: Linguistic Flexibility

This straightforward worksheet focuses on using synonyms to express the same idea in different ways. While expanding your students' vocabulary, it also increases the linguistic flexibility of their writing.

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Writing skills worksheet Linguistic Flexibility - Using Synonyms writing by Speech Language Pathologist Lisa Flowers

Writing Skills - Linguistic Flexibility - Using Synonyms

This worksheet offers a selection of sentences containing adjectives and verbs that are underlined; students must identify and list three synonyms for each underlined word.

Linguistic flexibility is a vital skill for strong, effective writing. This vocabulary activity (complete with a sample answer key) broadens students' lexicons while motivating them to improve the precision of their expression. This is a fairly simple, straightforward worksheet tasking students with identifying and listing multiple synonyms of specific words within sentences. It gives teachers and therapists alike the opportunity to discuss variations of meanings across synonyms, while encouraging students to use a thesaurus while they are writing.

Get Writing Skills

A collection of 13 worksheets and activities that include lessons on linguistic flexibility, clarity of writing, descriptiveness, elaboration, and organization, along with scaffolds for character descriptions, movie reviews, and formal letters.

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Get 52 Lessons & Activities

A collection of 52 language and communication worksheets and activities that cover a plethora of reading comprehension, writing, grammar, and social communication skills.

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Get this Linguistic Flexibility writing worksheet and more to help teach regular and special education students.