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Letter of Complaint Exercises

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Writing Skills / Letter of Complaint Exercises

Writing a Complaint Letter (Reader Presupposition & Perspective Taking)

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Writing a Complaint Letter (Reader Presupposition & Perspective Taking)

It's important to consider your reader before you write: what do they need to know, what might they want to know, and, in the case of this exercise, what impression will your words give them of you? Students are tasked with writing a formal letter asking for compensation while trying to come across as honest and reasonable.

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Writing skills worksheet Letter of Complaint Exercises by Speech Language Pathologist Lisa Flowers

Writing a Complaint Letter (Reader Presupposition & Perspective Taking)

This activity emphasizes how important it is to keep your reader in mind and how wording gives your reader a specific impression of you. Including an authentic example of a complaint letter that requests financial compensation from a hotel chain and comprehensive therapy notes on how to conduct the activity, this resource also offers two new situations for which students can draft their own complaint letters.

When reviewing the example letter with students, it's important to address how specific phrases, sentences, and semantic components form an impression of the writer. Students then draft their own complaint letters (following the format of the example letter and attempting to attain two targeted impressions: honest and reasonable) for each of two provided scenarios.

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A collection of 13 worksheets and activities that include lessons on linguistic flexibility, clarity of writing, descriptiveness, elaboration, and organization, along with scaffolds for character descriptions, movie reviews, and formal letters.

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A collection of 52 language and communication worksheets and activities that cover a plethora of reading comprehension, writing, grammar, and social communication skills.

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Get this Writing a Complaint Letter (Reader Presupposition & Perspective Taking) worksheet and more to help teach regular and special education students.